Data activism about feminicide
Poster credit: Isabella Alves.
As a research affiliate at the Data + Feminism Lab at MIT, I co-lead the participatory action research project “Data Against Feminicide,” which aims to (1) understand the data-gathering practices and technological challenges faced by activists who monitor feminicides and other forms of gender-related violence, particularly in the Americas, and (2) work with activists to co-design and develop digital tools that facilitate their monitoring labor. Through this work our team has co-developed a data highlighter browser extension and a tailored email alert system that uses machine learning to identify news articles that are highly likely to concern a feminicide. Both tools are freely accessible in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Supporting materials and tutorials can be accessed here, and a brief report on our work here.
The project was originally co-created by Catherine D’Ignazio (Data + Feminism Lab), Silvana Fumega (Latin American Open Data Initiative, ILDA), and Helena Suárez Val (Feminicidio Uruguay). I joined the project in 2020 and the leadership team in 2023. I have contributed to the project’s qualitative research and collaborative work with activists, including leading our work in Brazil alongside Alessandra Jungs de Almeida.
Photo by Isadora Cruxên.
Related work
“Geographies of missing data: Spatializing counterdata production against feminicide,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (2024)
“The revolution shall not be automated: On the political possibilities of activism through data & AI,” CLaSP Blog (2024)
“Dados e contratados” em Informe Feminicídios no Brasil 2023: Monitor de feminicídios no Brasil, edited by Silvana Mariano and Laboratório de Estudos de Feminicídio - LESFEM (2024)
“Data activism against feminicide: co-designing digital tools to monitor gender-related violence across the Americas,” Research Insights #2, QMUL (2023)
“Tecnologia e ativistas de dados contra o feminicídio,” Portal Catarinas (2023), piece co-written with our collaborators
“Feminicide and counterdata production: Activist efforts to monitor and challenge gender-related violence,” Patterns (2022)
“Towards Intersectional Feminist and Participatory ML: A Case Study in Supporting Feminicide Counterdata Collection,” FAccT’22 – ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (2022)
Collaborators in Brazil
Fórum Cearense de Mulheres (FCM), Ceará
Grupo de Trabalho sobre Feminicídio na Bahia (GT FEM), Bahia
Laboratório de Estudos de Feminicídio (LESFEM), Paraná
Lupa Feminista, Rio Grande do Sul
Learn more
“The promise of AI: Working across disciplines for the public good”, QMUL Webinar (April 2024)
Science, “Murders of women worldwide remain vastly undercounted. Activists are now filling in the gaps” (June 2022)
Sinc, “Activismo de datos para vigilar y combatir los feminicidios” (June 2022)